Who to Vote For

This is the newest part of my pages, and it's still under construction. I plan to get more information on each of these Congressmen, including addresses, and post it here. So keep an eye out for new stuff.

This is a list of current members of Congress who have co-sponsored at least one medicinal marijuana bill in the past. (If I've left any off, please let me know.) Each name is linked to the ACLU's Voting Guide, so you can see how each Congressman voted on certain issues. Several among this list do not deserve to be recognized here, simply because they have changed their stance 180º on the subject. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA) and Rep Bill McCollum (R-FL) are the most notable; they have recently come up with much harsher drug laws, even suggesting the death penalty, thereby turning traitor to the very document they swore to uphold. They are included here in order to show exactly what kind of people they really are.

The first three bills below were introduced by U.S. Rep. Stewart McKinney. The fourth bill, H.R. 2618, was introduced by U.S. Rep. Barney Frank. All four bills are now dead. Many of these true patriots are still fighting for Americans' rights with more med-mj legislation, as well as things like a bill to reduce mandatory minimums and to equalize the penalties between powder and crack cocaine. Also, currently pending in the U.S. House of Representatives is H.R. 1782, a new federal medicinal marijuana bill also introduced by Rep. Barney Frank.

We, as concerned citizens, should write to these "Good-Guy" Congressmen and encourage them to continue their fight. We know that drug reform isn't going to be easy; let them know that their efforts are appreciated!

House Democrats (29)

                         H.R. 4498    H.R. 2282    H.R. 2232    H.R. 2618
                         (1981-82)    (1983-84)    (1985-86)    (1995-96)
Ackerman, Gary (D-NY)                    [X]          [X]
Bonior, David (D-MI)        [X]          [X]          [X]
Brown, George (D-CA)        [X]          [X]                       [X]
Conyers, John (D-MI)        [X]          [X]          [X]          [X]
Dixon, Julian (D-CA)                                               [X]
Farr, Sam (D-CA)                                                   [X]
Fazio, Vic (D-CA)           [X]          [X]
Frank, Barney (D-MA)        [X]          [X]          [X]          [X]
Gejdenson, Sam (D-CT)       [X]          [X]
Kaptur, Marcy (D-OH)                     [X]
Kennedy, Joseph (D-MA)                                             [X]
Kennelly, Barbara (D-CT)                 [X]
LaFalce, John (D-NY)        [X]          [X]          [X]
Lantos, Tom (D-CA)          [X]          [X]          [X]
Levin, Sander (D-MI)                     [X]
Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA)                                                [X]
Miller, George (D-CA)       [X]          [X]
Oberstar, James (D-MN)      [X]          [X]          [X]
Olver, John (D-MA)                                                 [X]
Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA)                                               [X]
Rahall, Nick (D-WV)         [X]          [X]          [X]
Rangel, Charles (D-NY)      [X]
Sanders, Bernard (I-VT)                                            [X]
Stark, Pete (D-CA)          [X]                                    [X]
Stokes, Louis (D-OH)        [X]          [X]          [X]
Towns, Edolphus (D-NY)                   [X]          [X]
Vento, Bruce (D-MN)         [X]          [X]          [X]
Woolsey, Lynn (D-CA)                                               [X]
Yates, Sidney (D-IL)                     [X]
House Republicans (7)
                        H.R. 4498    H.R. 2282    H.R. 2232     H.R. 2618
                        (1981-82)    (1983-84)    (1985-86)     (1995-96)
Bilbray, Brian (R-CA)                                              [X]
Campbell, Tom (R-CA)                                               [X]
Gingrich, Newt (R-GA)      [X]
McCollum, Bill (R-FL)      [X]          [X]
(These two, Gingrich and McCollum, are snakes, and bear close watching!)
Paul, Ron (R-TX)                        [X]
Porter, John E. (R-IL)     [X]
Wolf, Frank (R-VA)         [X]
Senate Democrats (1)
                        H.R. 4498    H.R. 2282    H.R. 2232     H.R. 2618
                        (1981-82)    (1983-84)    (1985-86)     (1995-96)
Harkin, Tom (D-IA)         [X]
Senate Republicans (3)
                       H.R. 4498       H.R. 2282        H.R. 2232
                       (1981-82)       (1983-84)        (1985-86)
Gregg, Judd (R-NH)        [X]             [X]              [X]
Jeffords, James (VT)      [X]             [X]
Snowe, Olympia (R-ME)     [X]             [X]

Again, please be patient; I'll be putting more information up here as time permits.


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