Click Here to email the K.C. Geiger Park Improvement Committee
6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 16, 1998
Memorial Park, St. Marys, Ohio

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1998 Prizes ~ 1997 Prizes & Winners List ~ Rules ~ Suggestion Box

It's too slow!

(They say.)

Got a suggestion? email us your idea!

Here are some we've already heard a few hundred times...

and our reasons for simply smiling politely and ignoring them.
St. Marys River - Home of the Duck Race

    1. The race is over 100 yards long and water is notoriously hard to push - especially water that is 2 to 7 feet deep, 40 feet wide and flowing over a very uneven riverbottom.
    2. Poor access - river is quite rocky and banks are riprapped.
    3. Excess administrative red tape.
    4. Tried. Failed.
    5. Too much equipment/maintenance/setup, i.e. we don't want to.
    6. Under serious consideration.
    7. Oh my aching back!
    8. Right.

Back to Suggestions

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